Let’s get real.
You’re tired of pasting a fake smile on your face and pretending that
everything is great when people ask, “How’s it going?”
Let’s Talk
The truth is, you’re often side tracked by worry.
Your mind keeps circling back to the same thoughts. It’s like an overactive hamster on a wheel. And the wheel is really squeaky.
Let’s stop the noise.
The first step is finding a safe place to get the thoughts and worries out of your head and into a conversation.
Figuring out how to get you some relief is the second step.
Hi, I’m Laura.
You are not alone, and I mean that literally.
Many people suffer from paralyzing worries. The things we worry about may be different, but that helpless feeling is the same. So you’re not alone in the big sense, and after today, you aren’t alone in your journey to wrangle those worries.
Let’s put an end to the worry-spin-repeat cycle.

Let’s work together.
Take a look around and see what focus fits you best.
Worried about stuff.
Worried about my kid.
Worried I may never have kids.
I don’t have words for
what I’m worried about.
You know you’re ready for therapy when
- You’ve got a crap ton going on.
- You don’t know how to fix it by yourself.
- Your friends are tired of hearing you complain and have stopped answering your 2am texts.
- You’ve lost something: a person, a relationship, your hold on reality.
- You’re so sleep deprived, the bags under your eyes have their own zip code.
- You can’t seem to focus.
- You burst into tears when your mom asks how you are.
- You’re sleeping a lot more or a lot less.
- You go off on the barista for spelling your name wrong.
- Your dog won’t leave your side, but your cat is avoiding you.
- You’re ready to make a change.
- You’ve realized that getting your life back is worth paying for even if you don’t get Kroger fuel points on the purchase.
- You’d like to have someone on your side that not only gets you, but can actually help you fix things.

Getting started is easy.
The first 15-minute session by phone is free.
We’ll talk about what’s going on with you and answer any questions you have about where to go from there.
Call (513) 463-6339 to schedule your free phone consultation or click on the scheduling button below to find a time that works for you.